When the day turns black

Lately, Sao Paulo, the most populous city of Brazil, saw a full daytime blackout. The entire city had been suffused in the colour of smoke; caused by fires in Amazonia. Plumes of smoke from the forest fires have drifted across the vast Amazonian stretch and even to urban areas. Residents of the city have raised concerns relating to deteriorating health and rising temperatures in the city. The natives are resorting to demonstrations and public protests to prevent their lands. Environmentalists are sending warning signals to eliminate clearing of lands. However, the government is nowhere to be seen in this picture. Rather their economic desire has resulted in a huge loss of flora and fauna. On the international front, many nations have passed criticism against such malicious nationalist desires. They demand a full cut off from the Brazilian economy through intensive trade restrictions. On what international grounds this move seems appropriate?

President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, came to power in January. His left-wing nationalist ideology has backwash by inducing sequels of transgressions—not only in the country but now globally. Bolsonaro’s urbanisation policy and anti-environment rhetoric are blamed for aggravating the forest fires. Government’s mandate for agrarian development focuses on increasing the land area for cattle farming. The holocaust to clear the land area spiralled out of control and ravaged “The Lungs of Blue Planet” more than 70000 times this year.

Forest fires are human-initiated started for their development projects. However, the president passes full accusations against NGOs for blazing the Amazon forest. There seems no altruism behind the government’s development plan. An altruistic development plan is one that focuses on sustainable development. Perhaps, a lust to open Amazon for Business interests has diverted towards inflaming the forest.

Why is this cause of worry? Amazon is home to almost one-third of all the plant and animal species. It filters 20% of the environment’s oxygen. They acted as a cushion to climatic change. Spatial images capture the intensity of such havoc. The impact of this holocaust is directly on the climate with an estimated rise of 2-degree Celsius in the temperature. Sao Paulo witnessing a smokescreen is just another minuscule outcome of the looming calamity. It is the last nail in the coffin that could have prevented environmental degradation.

To fail is to human; to replicate them, the devil. As and when the day turns black they will strike a realisation to act; thence will be too late for animating the realisation.

Misrepresentation of the LGBT community

It is a well noted fact that over the past two decades the LGBTQA+ community has gone through a revolution. The world has never been more accepting of them with 28 countries legalizing same sex marriage and 120 countries decriminalizing homosexuality as of June 2019. The members have also found acceptance in the media in the form of representation on various media platforms including film, television and music. While this has been praised by many and cited as one of the reasons for the widespread acceptance of the community, it has also harmed the community in several ways.

Media representation is a powerful tool. How a particular community is portrayed by the media has a huge impact on the general public’s opinion of them which is why one of the biggest criticisms regarding media platforms representing the queer community has been misrepresentation. It has been observed that the portrayal of queer characters has usually been stereotypical and demeaning. The lesbian character is almost always portrayed as masculine with short hair and the gay men as flamboyant and feminine. These are strong stereotypes affiliated with the community and always portraying the community like this can cause more harm than good for there are feminine lesbians and masculine men who are made to feel excluded because of these very stereotypes. The lesbian characters that are feminine are also usually extremely sexualized for the male gaze and is very harmful for the lesbian community who claim to be sexualized in real life as well. This sort of representation promotes that.

Another criticism regarding the portrayal of the queer characters on TV shows and films is that their purpose on that show revolves around their sexual orientation. The character either serves no purpose to the plot and is only there for the sake of attracting queer audiences, or the character’s presence in the plot is only because of their sexuality, they serve no other purpose. These characters are strongly defined by their sexuality and the audience is reminded of the same every time the character is on the screen. This can be viewed negatively as it conveys the message to the viewers that the only significant thing about queer people is that they are queer, which is not true. People are more than their sexual and gender identities and the media should focus more on normalizing these characters rather than defining them by their sexuality.

The music industry also faces similar issues. A lot of big names in the music industry, both belonging to the community and otherwise, have made music for the community. One of the biggest names in this genre is Hayley Kiyoko, an American singer who rose to fame after releasing a song titled ‘girls like girls’ the music video for the same has crossed over a hundred million views on YouTube making her a well known name in the LGBT community. Hayley Kiyoko’s music however is only about her loving girls, she does not make music on any other subject and considering that her audience is primarily young lesbians and queer girls this sends a wrong message by once again making your sexuality your defining factor. We have several other big queer artists such as Troye Sivan, Lauren Jauregui, Halsey. Lady Gaga and Brendon Urie who have made music about their love for the same sex but have also made music on many other different subjects. Hayley Kiyoko has built a career solely out of her sexual orientation and this conveys a wrong message about the importance of one’s sexuality.

There is no denying that the media has healthy representation as well that has had a positive impact on the community, in fact media representation in general has been an important factor for promoting more acceptance of the LGBT community in the world by giving them a voice and a spotlight. Having famous celebrities and big media platforms convey the message of ‘love is love’ is very powerful and does create an impact. But it is just as important for these platforms to ensure that the representation they showcase is realistic and healthy. It is important to normalize queer identities and also important to convey the message that an individual’s identity is not restricted to their sexuality.

The world has come a long way in terms of acceptance of LGBTQA+ individuals, yet it has a long way to go. This may not have happened at such a fast pace without the media and celebrities like Hayley Kiyoko who are brave enough to be themselves and inspire others, but now it is time for the community to be normalized in the people’s eyes and to convey the message to the world that one is much more than their sexuality and we are equal regardless of who we feel attracted to. Normalization is the key to acceptance and to a brighter and more inclusive future.

From Statehood to Territory

An unprecedented way to lead through “Cooperation, not coercion” amassed a vast majority, for the BJP led government, in the general elections of 2014. Outcomes were alike in the 2019 general elections. Nevertheless, the recent government action seems to despise strict compliance. Abrogation of article 370 snatched “special privileges” from J&K. In a stern effort to weed-out “terrorism and separatism,” government downgrades the pride and paradise of India’s crown–-Jammu and Kashmir.

The decision was a hasty one because, in policy-making, pragmatism and idealism stand wide apart, whereas, a pragmatic policy emphasizes the realistic means. Both means and ends must be recognised while making decisions, because the cost associated may at times outweigh the benefits. Is the government pragmatic in making this historic change?

Modi proclaimed “Changes in Kashmir will free it from terrorism.” The move seems more like an idealist measure. This measure is debased on the grounds of the fallacy of the maturity of chances. The statement is yet another “Modi’s blandishment” as the measure has a tinge of edifying dullness. The means demand constructive obedience.

The perception to undo a constitutional error or provide an effective remedy to a “constructive anachronism” in itself is erroneous. The clandestine passage of the order marked one of the biggest ordeals of J&K – instability in the short run. None of the assiduous leaders sought public opinion on a matter influencing them the most. Therefore, in such a hasty decision, the ill-effects are numerous.

India, as a federal republic, denuded J&K of autonomy although it focused on decentralization of power since inception.  In a drive to obliterate militancy, they have restricted individual rights. Internet and network services have been suspended. More than 500 Kashmiri’s have been arrested. This baleful act might cost the economy as it impedes the tourism sector. In other words, it restricts peace and freedom for a few months. Driven by trepidation, intransigency might be the cost even if government roots-out militancy. Separatism might grow and further intensify instability.

Centralization is not an issue; perhaps, prosperity demands a degree of centralization. However, in a drive to seek development, leaders shouldn’t forget that “all that glitters is not gold”. A completely centralized government may jeopardize secularism or federal status of the economy. The Cuban economy is one such economy, wherein through an idealist cycle of growth, the economy promulgated inequality, poverty and instability.

The decision is not vile. Ladakh and J&K required a different mandate because of differences in political structure and environment. However, a hasty action makes it seem malicious – an urge to change the demographic balance of a state with 77.1 per cent Muslims by allowing migration and private investment. It cuts the possibility of peaceful action. The means are not inclined to achieve the end. Therefore, a haste decision, like this one, is less pragmatic but more idealistic. The costs accrued are astronomical. Plus, the opprobrium heaped stigmatizes India to an anarchical form of federalism. Perhaps, a pluralistic approach would have not rendered the J&K economy in jeopardy because what we see now is an outlying feather of a bird.


Spacewar is Real: No Fallacy Game

What a glorious world it would be when a commander enjoins a cataclysmic order, whose mien stands irresistible, leaves no remnants and as a result without causing harm to the environment. The command is imperative while the slag swims beyond somewhere unknown. On the facade, a Spacewar sounds cleaner, but the game is a never-ending chess mantle. Space warfare with attacking satellites and sputniks are very much dangerous to Earth itself.

Recent developments, including the Indian Chandrayaan 2, are a showcase of national capabilities. China plans to land people on the moon by 2035. Similarly, Donald Trump’s administration wants Americans to trespass the shallow orbit of Earth by 2024. Declining costs have made space exploration much more accessible; so much so that Jeff Bezos auctions $1bn-worth his shares every year to cap the charges for Blue origin, a new Amazon space initiative. Similarly, Virgin Galactic is going public at a valuation of $1.5bn. It claims to carry almost 1000 wealthy adventurers to space excursions by 2022. This boom in the commercialisation of the space industry could ferret out a trillion every year and add to its domestic product.

Commercialisation talks about efficiency and efficiency confer impetus to a cluster of the indigenous military forces. The military is concerned with both private militias as well as government-operated military forces. Private militias through commercialisation may seem to be the ultimate beneficiary rather than individual. Numerous books talk about space pirates and militias, but that is possible only when effective space rules are in place. Economies like America, Russia, China and India are limitlessly improving their military strength with decimating capabilities. Mr Trump plans to set up a Space Force, a special of the armed forces, the first time since inception. On 14 July, French President, Emmanuel Macron, declared setting up a new space command. In this frenzy, nations are not concerned with rationality: what we see might turn out a step towards establishing cosmic boundaries, that can cause stress on Earth. Space warfare cascades geopolitical stress among member nations affecting their diplomatic relations.

Until March 2019, globally 2062 operating satellites space odysseys have been engineered. They enable modern war not only answering strategic questions but also allow positioning and other information services. They are a tool to gear wars on Earth. Perhaps the simplest way to defeat a military is through crashing latter’s satellite. Shelling a spacecraft produces shrapnel that drifts away from the Earth’s orbit which in the long run is a big problem. Large chunks of debris collide with celestial objects displacing them from their orbital path. Thus, it creates an unprecedented environmental catastrophe, also called cosmic pollution. Without an effective rule of law, we will make Universe another Earth – scarcity driving rational beings to irresponsible humans.

Space warfare is destructive not only in the physical form. Spy satellites can be blinded with lasers or may be prone to hacking. There are numerous problems associated with these satellites. Perhaps, the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 bans deadly weapons in the outer space but continues to be passive on conventional arms. Nevertheless, America outstands other economies in military expenditure. Some argue for the creation of a new space force inside Pentagon. Space exploration is one thing, but intensively spending on cosmic-military power is effectively destructive. Perhaps, many nations -including Israel and China, are following this hot pursuit. With this race, Spacewar is real and inevitable: a no fallacy game. Boundaries initially created on Earth were an outcome of no-rule based system. Without an effective international governing system we will create cosmic barriers and lead to create a similar degraded society as we did on Earth. Therefore, an extra-terrestrial rule of law is essential because playing in the cosmic infinitude sparks unending conflicts among nations.


Where is Utopia?

When going to buy a kg sugar one might find the prices already marked on the packet. Ever wondered who decides the prices? First, Let’s dwell on the question of whether price determination matters. It doesn’t because in one way or the other, individual buyers and sellers need to trade their goods and for that, a joint consensus through competitive bargaining can be reached. This is the market mechanism that expedites the price determination measure more efficiently. But what is so bewildering is the fact that certain economies condemn this approach. The Question is why?

There is a trade-off between efficiency and equality. Economic efficiency stands for a greater outcome of limited resources. The cost that efficiency captures must be minimized. This cost is related to opportunity cost or the alternative use of those resources. It primarily emphasizes on augmenting production levels through suitable marginal levels. This economic model is preached in economies like the USA, South Korea, United Kingdom and many other economies labeled as capitalist. These economies focus on improving the efficiency levels of the economy.

On the other side is equality that pertains to equal allocation of resources in the economy. Note that the principal doesn’t matter if it is adequately sufficient to meet the basic requirements of an individual – what matters is all stand equal. Moreover, the power of certain resources in one hand tends to induce inequality that violates the basic principle of this model. Therefore, all such economic rights that infuse repressive feelings are in the hands of a group of individuals that generally follow paternalistic governance. This is somewhat the scenario in China, Cuba and North Korea. Such economies where the control over all major resources is vested upon state are called Socialist economies or in its intensive form called Communism. It devours political as well as economic rights of an individual.

The efficiency equality trade-off ignites the most crucial age-long question of a utopian economy. A utopian economy breaks the constraints of this trade-off as it marks all individuals equal and efficient. But this is and will always remain a legend. The world is a zero-sum game of resources: one gain at others’ loss. This is where the two political approaches diverge – the ideological difference between capitalism and communism or socialism delves into the so-called Individual Freedom. Emphasis on an individual’s freedom hampers the growth of others, while the restraint on freedom would galvanize inhumanity through warfare and rebellion.

The drive for a utopian society which is, in reality, a myth, cannot be achieved until humans acquire complete control over the production of natural resources. Most importantly, in today’s world, the paucity of resources demands society to not only focus on tolerable equity but also sustainability. The goal of sustainability severe both ideological conventions and envisages a process of resource accumulation that would increase the opportunity cost by infinity. Neo-capitalism is probably the only way out as it demands a tinge of a paternalistic approach to the capitalistic economy. This is true in a democratic nation like the UK and Japan. What is utopian is not achievable and what seems achievable is Neo-capitalism. Perhaps Neo-capitalism is the most alike Utopia.

The Dawn of Day Zero

Life is nothing without water and without life, we are nothing. The fact that resources are scarce invites a cautious use. Perhaps, many have turned a blind eye to globally imminent havoc like this. Chennai Water Crisis is just another eye-opener. Chennai, India’s sixth-largest city, has run dry just a few weeks back. The city, with 3 rivers, 4 humongous water reservoirs, 5 forests and 6 wetlands, had witnessed a catastrophic loss of lives due to lack of water supply through which it would satiate its surplus demands for the past two years. The levity with which water was used indicated the looming disaster – the so-called “Day Zero”.

January 2019, the ominous signs of water running dry didn’t bewilder the state government as the Supreme Court called for “immediate action”. However, the state was busy in its political shenanigans and promulgating the so-called “building boom”. What the state government afforded to do was constricted to the imposition of Water Taxes. They are not only distortionary that creates anxiety among the residents, but also at the time of crisis, fomented aggression against the administration for misallocation of taxes. Mismanagement of public finance and delayed government action resulted in a series of transgressions for water all across the city.

Chennai’s water shortage can be attributed to the sporadic rainfall which earlier used to deliver abundant rainwater. A fairly green city, which used to enjoy copious water supply a decade back, witnessed the deficiency of rainfall after 2017. The 2018 monsoon season was one of the driest ever recorded. The entire state of Tamil Nadu recorded a 23% deficiency in the rainfall. It hasn’t been able to successfully replenish the reservoirs. Moreover, the water table has depleted beyond repair.

Some reporters attribute the water scarcity due to increased urbanization and aggressive land-use patterns. The mushrooming population breaks the chain of resource requirement and imbues afresh demand for the scarce resource. The land use pattern to propitiate the elites for their industrial demands cause the freshwater resources, especially the underground water, to deplete at an exorbitant rate. Consequently, the cascade lies onto the common man and farmers who are compressed beneath the agony of water scarcity. The crisis has emerged into one of the worst nightmares of the state as it is marked by increased frustration amongst the locals. It has disgorged squabbling especially in slums where one such virulent fight turned into a sanguinary one.

The aggrieved is the common man due to improper administration, the dearth of rainfall and urbanization. To mitigate the misery, the government needs to mandate desalination plants to be able to use ocean water for an intense situation like this. The government has been employing an increased number of water tankers to deliver exported water to the societies. Yet, the long term strategy should be preventing the annihilation of natural resources for human profligacy along with the development of alternative methods to quench their thirst without depletion or deprivation because the dawn of today precedes the light of tomorrow.

Refugee or Delinquency – a Substantial Question

The global economy is a far-fetched concept since the question of international integration sounds great only on papers. Trespassing territorial boundaries amount to a violation of international laws but not until it is for one’s survival with dignity. The international conventions stipulate a customary principle, known as ‘Principle of Non-Refoulement’, that forbids a country receiving asylum seekers from returning to their native country in which they would be in a danger of persecution based on “Race, Religion, Nationality, Membership of a particular social group or political opinion”. This was especially applied in the case of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities who were subjected to a series of human rights violations including Right to Life, Liberty, and Security. The extremity of the situation coerced them to migrate to neighboring lands including India as well. But the government of India has raised the issue of illegal immigration as it has lately proposed the deportation of at least 40000 community members back to their original lands. This has raised a “substantial question” on the status of these immigrants. Should they be treated as refugees or delinquents?

The human statute holds its value, not because of the intricacies in structure or thinking ability alone, but also because of its logical intelligence which is “rationally irrational”. A human is able to comprehend reality on the grounds of intelligence and morality. But where do these morals vanish when other human beings are deported to rot in a place where discrimination and possible summary execution awaits them? Perhaps, the lost morality makes us no different from other living organisms. Therefore, this move is debased on the grounds of human rights violation. The economy by extending this move makes many more worse-off by dragging them back to such hostility. Consequently, the “economy” would not even be one, without humanism based on morality.

The row for deportation is further refuted based on constitutional or political grounds since it negates primary constitutional guarantees including protection of life and liberty of every human being. This is because deporting them increases the number of victims. Government’s actions subject them to summary executions, enforced abductions, arbitrary arrest and detention, tortious forced labor and probably even worse. Moreover, the deportation violates India’s commitment to international law conventions especially regarding non-refoulement which is another major drawback. This blackens India’s reputation in the international community albeit certain propitious measures in other fields like terrorism and inequality.

The axis of conflict in India is the petition filed in Supreme Court over the recognition of 40000 Rohingya members to be provided with refugee identity cards. Exclusive measures like those of deportation, hence, violate morality as well as constitutional and international conventions. Acclimatizing different diversities, especially those from different nationalities, is challenging. However, India’s standing for diversity has always been peculiar and to maintain its status, let’s not treat Rohingyas as delinquents. Probably, adhering to some of their demands is the best approach to obliterate possible social rebellion or opprobrium on the international front.


Because of an Alternate Reality

Here in India, we can post whatever we embellish. As Indians, we enjoy greater rights, but the reality portrayed in our neighborhood China seems a new virtual universe. In fact, the industrial giant has a separate industry for censorship. This industry promulgates an information void that has drifted the economy away from the stark reality, so much so that they find peaceful pro-democracy protests of Hong Kong as another instance of Western interference. These protests have been designated as riots by the Chinese Media and qualify the pro-democracy activists as rabble-rousers. Yet hidden in the welter of censored news is the agony of the sufferers in Hong Kong. Is this alternate reality really that void?

The Global Reality and that in China stand at two separate parallels with not even a zilch of interconnection. What can one expect from the government which stigmatized pro-democratic protests in Hong Kong as riots? The Chinese influence is believed to have disgorged from the Extradition Bill that was supposed to allow the transfer of alleged criminals to Taiwan and China. China, through its policies, has persistently questioned the value of Human Rights. It is believed to have infuriated the pro-democrats. They find it anti-humanistic to extradite alleged citizens of Hong Kong because of the exclusivity of the Chinese legal system and intensive censorship. It has rendered pro-democrats inquisitive about the extent of Socialism overshadowing Hong Kong.

The legislative council that has to pass the bill is mostly pro-china. In fact, the council itself doesn’t fully adhere to the constitutional principle of “One Country, Two Systems” which prescribes “Universal Suffrage” for the Legislative Council. “One Country, Two Systems” is a principle that entails a Semi-autonomous status to Hong Kong as well as Macau. Perhaps, the autonomy is just a facade since out of 70 legislative seats only 30 are democratically elected. Rest 40 seats are believed to be under the beck of big business industries, which find their interests suffused in the so-called “Chinese model of Socialism”. Therefore, the extradition bill is believed to just aggrandize Chinese influence on Hong Kong.

Although the bill has been temporarily suspended, the pro-democrats and activists want a complete withdrawal. The Chinese find these demands superficial and anti-socialist. Consequently, they are meddling with political and economic affairs of the region. The Case of Hong Kong’s missing booksellers demonstrated a direct hit to Freedom of Speech entailed by article 27. Similarly, many pro-democracy activists have been indicted by the Chinese government for inciting the public for a rally outside Beijing’s liaison office in the region. This has aroused an unprecedented massive demonstration, especially among the anti-socialist activists.

However, the story in Chinese Economy has been feigned by the Government. On one side, Chinese media pictures Hong Kong demonstrations as a threat to “One Country, Two System” and on the other Britain accuses China of having breached the conventions of the principle. The former obviously has been influenced by specks of Chinese socialistic ideology and political Censorship. This is not the only instance of Chinese breaching the boundaries of this principle along with a creation of information void among its own countrymen. In 2014, at least ten thousands of local residents took to streets under the so-called Umbrella Movement to extirpate Chinese ideologies from Hong Kong’s political system. Censorship was augmented along with the banning of Instagram. Their ceding of power shows their voracity to integrate Hong Kong under Socialist influence much before the predefined time cap of 2047. Maybe the Chinese communist party has taken “one country” phrase more seriously than the principle in its entirety.

The picture published in China is quite different from what we can even imagine. The rebels are categorized are anti-systemic. They portray eurocentric ideologies as a hindrance to their sovereignty. The Chinese government avers the socialist regime in these regions as a means of real prosperity. Its stringency of laws is transcending the national boundaries. Perhaps, these laws are cataclysmic on individual freedom. One cannot voice his opinions on such demonstrations through strict supervision. Censorship is abundant and social media is forbidden. Keywords like “democracy”, “demonstration” or “Hong Kong” have been censored. So, next time you look for Hong Kong on Chinese web portals, believe me, they might not be true as they project an alternate reality in the minds of a layman.


Has the Great Satan emasculated Global Peace?

“Once an enemy will always be an enemy” is just another demonic vow with a clout on diplomatic relationship. The example of Iran and US gives a vivid picture as it has always witnessed diplomatic tensions until the Iran Nuclear Deal of 2015. The US under the leadership of Barrack Obama, consented to a Joint Comprehensive Action Plan with China, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom and France to obliterate all trade embargoes and lift travel Sanctions against Iran. It was made imperative for Iran to stop enriching its nuclear powers. The historic deal followed the first ever round of negotiations in 2003; focused towards greater peace and economic integration since the Iranian Revolution. However, very recently, Trump’s walking off from the deal has brought a series of international transgressions. Maybe what Ayatollah Khomeini presentiments while calling the US as “The Great Satan” in 1978 are correct, even after 40 years down the line.

The US-Iran relations have undergone a cycle of ups and downs in the late twentieth century especially after World War 2. Earlier, the relations between the economies remained stranded from the US side until World War 2. But the fluctuations were an outcome of the Iranian Elections in 1952 as Mohammed Mossadegh took the reins of power. He was tensed because the wealth was being drained out of Iran. Thus by emulating communist policy reforms, he nationalised the Iranian Oil production. The western nations saw Iran inching towards the Soviet Union during the era of the cold war. They were considered a threat to western interests and were pilloried for their actions so much so that the CIA engineered a military coup popularly known as “Operation Ajax”. They sabotaged Iranian operations and ousted Mossadegh, bringing Mohammed Reza Pahlavi to power and as Shah of Iran. His obsequiousness towards the west actually spurred modern economic development in the economy through the White Revolution which even liberated women’s right to vote. This was the time when the burnt economic relations were dragged on the road to recovery.

The bounce was a temporary one because the cost of economic development outweighed the prosperity. Corruption soared as the economic gap widened. Moreover, gruesome violence on the part of US-trained police personnel known as ‘SAVAK’ increased tremendously. They castigated Islamic fundamentalists and sabotaged Islamic ideals. Over time, the devastation aggravated the plight of residents as SAVAK expanded its operations. In 1977, SAVAK doubled its full-time agents to more than 5300. Therefore, seeing this devastation, the libertines through their exhortations incited Iranians to act against the Shah. The outcome was the Iranian Revolution which resulted in the relegation of the Shah and brought Ayatollah Khomeini in power. Not only did he proclaim Iran as the Islamic Republic of Iran but also damned the US for its actions and calling it “The Great Satan”.

The relations were worsening especially after a major political downturn during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Around 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days by Iranian students or revolutionists who demanded the Shah back for trial in Iran who had fled to the US. The relations were growing darker especially after Saddam Hussein’s invading Iran was fueled by the US.
Ever since then the relations have worsened until 2013 when numerous rounds of negotiations held by the UN resulted in the formation of Nuclear Agreement, 2015. The odds for the US as a peacekeeper were fostered by Obama. However, the recent plunge in diplomatic streak has been disheveled due to Trump stepping out of the agreement. Was it a fair deal on the part of a prosperous economy like the US? Did Trump not find it obligatory at least to maintain global peace?

Trump’s actions have justified anywhere he would not agree to trade-off his chauvinistic motives for world peace. He is definitely responsible for downgrading image of the US in the minds of billions. “The Great Satan” has probably resurfaced.


Sudanese Ethnic Cleansing signals another Critical Juncture

Alamein Ismail, a 22-year police officer working on his regular shift in East Khartoum, was standing outside a barber shop. Little did he notice a gunshot which pierced his eye. He crawled and mourned for help yet little to anyone’s notice. The shot seemed to emanate out of a ruck of paramilitary overrunning the streets and ravaging the stores. Just a few months back the citizens were commemorating their victory as Omar al-Bashir was ousted. However, the celebrations preceded for a little while as it witnessed one of the most mind-boggling ethnic cleansings. The emotional disgust aroused by this one little instance is not even a zilch of the mental trauma the localities are witnessing.

It all started in December 2018 wherein the inflation soared general price levels so much so that the prices of wheat bread tripled. Since the economy was already in the throes of poverty and unemployment, it stirred transgressions against the state. the rabble-rousers exhorted the spirit of libertarianism inciting rebellion, especially amongst youth. They carried out numerous demonstrations coercing the government to step down from his dictatorial throne. Omar al-Bashir, since 1989, had dictatorial control over the state. The pro-democrats demanded a democratic succession with a scent of freedom as the economy was struck in the pangs of gruesome violence taking a toll of 29 lives by January 2019.

The turmoil was followed by a military coup in April 2019 ousting Omar and imprisoning him for life. The feeling of infinitude arose celebrations, which didn’t remain ever-lasting since a democracy couldn’t be resurrected as expected. The pro-democracy protestors continued their protests for democracy fronting many government agencies. However, they were brutally beaten to death on June 3. Perhaps, the paramilitaries including Rapid Security Forces (militia responsible for genocide in Darfur) followed the pursuit to minister to the voracity of leaders particularly elite members of the so called “Transitional Military Council”. It is a group of security forces leading the march towards libertarianism led by Abdel Fattah Burhan. TMC formed an interim government and avowed conducting elections within nine months. The question remained on who would be in charge of the highest decision making body during the transition phase. However, the refusal to expedite the formation of the sovereign council led to civil strife. After seizing powers, TMC banned internet to prevent feigned information from spreading and inflicted huge violence. They murdered many rabble-rousers, raped women and disposed their bodies into the Nile. As per the records of Central Committee of Sudan Doctors, 118 dead bodies have been identified of which at least 40 were fished out of Nile.

As of now, Sudanese junta fears of the pressing charges against it, in the International Court of Justice. Many countries have condemned the violence which is believed to evolve into civil war if these demagogues, driven by their selfish motives would try emasculating the newly formed parliament. The most intriguing question is whether Sudanese are heading towards another critical juncture like the Glorius Revolution in England or the French Revolution that induced a transition towards a pluralistic economy. The economic and political powers in a nation are disrupted during a period of a critical juncture. The process creates a positive feedback loop that impedes the differential growth resulting in balanced power. Sudan experienced such critical juncture at the time of ousting Omar al-Bashir, however, the state failed to propagate democratic principles. Perhaps, the chances of Sudan to a desirable state like this, vying with the “theory of path dependence”, may seem tremendous provided restoration of democracy is followed by a rule of law inclusive for all.


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